The Corner

Chill — I’m Not Banning BSG

I would never — if I were going to I would have killed the corner long ago! – and would never because I get this dude (what a nice e-mail):

Thought I would add my two cents – or I suppose 1.8 cents CAD – regarding the content of Corner posts. DON’T CHANGE A THING!

A little background is probably in order. I’m 32, Canadian, and a card carrying member of the vast right-wing conspiracy. However, it wasn’t always so. Now granted, my past votes were never for anything other than for what passes as conservatism in Canada but politically I was fairly indifferent. My default positions were probably a combination of sensible parenting, my educational choices (finance, economics, critical thinking, etc.) and an overall general discomfort and rejection of the political correctness that permeated post secondary institutions and their related political parties. For the most part I just wanted to live my life in peace and be left alone by the social engineering craziness of the extreme left (although I didn’t think of it in exactly those terms at the time)

Then came 9/11.

I was certainly not oblivious to the general wackiness of most of our little planet but was so wrapped up in the warmth, comfort and safety of the American security blanket and my general desire to mind my own business that I simply couldn’t fathom such an act and the rationale (or lack thereof) behind it. Who did besides the few seers among us who would have been dismissed as cranks back in the day?

Anyway, my attention was captured. I started researching, reading more newspapers and opinion journals and following politics much more closely. I then came across the inestimable wit and reason of Mark Steyn in the National Post and Steynonline. This naturally led me to NR, NRO and The Corner. And I’m not sure my command of the English language is sufficient to express what I felt. Home, hearth and happiness.

I truly didn’t realize how many sane, diverse (I cringe when I write that word but it’s true) people there were who critically discussed the serious issues of the day respectfully, intelligently and selflessly. And did so while sprinkling humour and happiness throughout. Who else but Corner readers burst into laughter while reading the words “enhanced rescission authority”? I’m trying not to get be overly fawning or sycophantic here but The Corner is responsible for my conversion from an indifferent right of centre citizen to the extreme right-wing, neo-conservative warmonger I am today. I’m kidding of course but you get my drift. From Burke to Battlestar Galactica to Tocqueville to Titus Pullo, The Corner is what started it all for me.

Ideas matter. And serious issues require serious, open, honest debate. But more importantly, laughter and an appreciation of what truly matters in this world are what will ultimately win the day for the West. I want to hear about it all. Cosmo, Catholicism, Sullivan, Star Trek, volcano lancing….and yes, even enhanced rescission authority. It’s all informative even when it’s not practical or of obvious benefit. And more importantly, it showcases your personalities and makes your readers care that much more.

Besides which, mice have scrollers… particularly handy when spotting the name Alberto Gonzales 😉

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