The Corner


China vs. Islam

The Financial Times has an absolutely breathtaking digital journalism project showing how China is destroying mosques or at least denuding them of Arabic, Persian, and other non-Chinese characteristics. The FT finds that nearly three-quarters of the more than 2,300 mosques in China have been demolished or significantly altered since 2018.

Think also on how China is settling Han Chinese into the Xinjiang region, traditionally the home of the Turkic Muslims we now call Uyghurs. This has gone hand in hand with unbelievably repressive reeducation camps, mass imprisonment and surveillance, and mass sterilization of Uyghur women.

Taken together, one could call this a government policy akin to genocide. It is at least an extremely aggressive form of Han supremacism joined to a nationalist Sinicization effort.

And yet it evokes no loud protest from Europe or the Muslim world. Ireland’s politicians aren’t demanding a vote to recall their ambassador. Campus activists aren’t chanting slogans about bringing freedom along the Kashgar River. The Arab street isn’t demanding justice. Al Jazeera isn’t broadcasting denunciations.

Muslims may die, but if there isn’t a Jew to blame for it, then it’s not a genocide, I guess.

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