The Corner


Chris Hayes Realizes Democracy Isn’t Actually at Stake in Midterms

Chris Hayes (MSNBC/YouTube)

MSNBC’s Chris Hayes was somber last week, warning voters that they had “Six Days to Save Democracy” by electing Democrats. In another segment, he submitted, again on behalf of the Democratic Party, that “if you don’t elect us this time, if you don’t keep them [Republicans] out of power, you may never be able to elect us again. Or in short, vote to preserve your right to throw the bums out.”

Of course, the right to throw the bums out is not at risk. In fact, by voting for Republicans tonight, Americans would be exercising that very right; they are, after all, nothing if not displeased with the status quo.

Hayes knows that. His histrionics were a kind of political hostage-taking, as he inadvertently admitted on Twitter this afternoon — though that too came with its own set of histrionics.

It was convenient for Hayes to pretend that the very republic was at stake in the lead-up to the election, and now it’s convenient to pretend that an active, purportedly pro-democratic (see: pro-Democratic) movement, a Resistance, if you will, is needed.

Such exaggerations are typical in politics, but that’s no reason to continue to take seriously those who make them.

Isaac Schorr is a staff writer at Mediaite and a 2023–2024 Robert Novak Journalism Fellow at the Fund for American Studies.
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