The Corner

Politics & Policy

Christie Brazens It Out

The other day I marveled at Christie’s apparent strategy of hoping nobody has Google. Last night he stuck to that plan.

So let’s set the facts straight. First of all, I didn’t support Sonia Sotomayor. Secondly, I never wrote a check to Planned Parenthood. Third, if you look at my record as governor of New Jersey, I have vetoed a 50-caliber rifle ban.

He did, in fact, urge that Sotomayor be confirmed (as I noted in that earlier post). As for that .50-caliber ban, here’s part of an April 2013 press release from. . . the office of Governor Chris Christie:


Governor Christie’s plan to responsibly expand New Jersey’s strict gun control measures includes:

Banning future purchases of the Barrett .50 Caliber (New Jersey law would ban any weapon that is substantially identical to the Barrett .50 Caliber) . . .

Christie did end up vetoing a bill including that ban, but only after proposing it himself.

As for Planned Parenthood: Christie now says that the 1994 news story that reported that he had said he donated to the organization “was a misquote.” Presumably what he actually said was something like, “Even though I am still pro-choice, for now, I oppose Planned Parenthood with every fiber of my being,” and the reporter just misheard him.


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