The Corner

Christopher Hitchens: The Book Tour

He has written it up for Vanity Fair. There is some dispute about his remarks about Fr. Rutler.

Here’s a snippet from the VF piece:

May 11, Washington, D.C.: In the studio of The Christian Science Monitor to debate with Pastor Stephan Munsey, leader of a mega-church in Indiana, plus a Baptist theologian from Wake Forest University. The Baptist theologian rather astonishes the host by saying that he basically agrees with me, and Mr. Munsey rather astonishes me by announcing that the good lord cured his daughter of Hodgkin’s disease (though he waited until she had lost most of her hair and her body weight before deciding to do so). Hodgkin’s disease is actually much more easily cured these days, largely owing to advances in stem-cell research which will now be halted or delayed to please the faithful.

I’m not sure what Hitchens thinks that this proves. Adult stem cells from bone marrow are sometimes used on patients with the disease, to help rebuild healthy cells that chemo or radiation has destroyed.

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