The Corner

Politics & Policy

147 FBI Agents Now Assigned to Hillary Clinton E-mail Investigation

One hundred and forty-seven FBI agents are now investigating Hillary Clinton’s use of a private e-mail server while she was secretary of state — a staggering deployment of manpower that speaks to the FBI’s accelerating timetable.

A lawmaker briefed by FBI director James Comey told the Washington Post that agency officials are blitzing the field with agents in order to resolve Clinton’s investigation well before November’s election. The investigators are tasked with determining whether Clinton’s private server was hacked, as well as whether any crime was committed through the handling of classified government material on the server.

Other agents are reportedly looking into whether Clinton or her staff violated public corruption laws through the “possible intersection” of Clinton Foundation donations and State Department contracts.

There are other signs that the government’s investigation into Clinton’s e-mail practices is ratcheting into high gear. The Los Angeles Times reports that federal prosecutors have called the lawyers of top Clinton aides — likely Huma Abedin, Cheryl Mills, Jake Sullivan, and Philippe Reines — to warn that their clients will soon be summoned for formal interviews. The prosecutors are also seeking to meet with Clinton herself, though the timing for that interview remains unclear.

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