The Corner

Clintons and George W. and Laura Bush RSVP for the Inauguration

On Tuesday, former presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton announced that they will attend the 58th presidential-inauguration ceremony on January 20.

According to a statement released by Bush’s office, the 43rd president and his wife are “pleased to be able to witness the peaceful transfer of power — a hallmark of American democracy — and swearing-in of President Trump and Vice President Pence.”

Soon after Bush’s announcement, a Clinton aide told NPR’s Tamara Keith that both Clinton and his wife will be attending as well. There had been speculation that the couple would decline the invitation after the nasty presidential race between President-elect Trump and Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.

Prior to Tuesday, Jimmy Carter was the only former president to have confirmed that he would be at the inauguration. Former president George H.W. Bush has already declined the invitation, citing health concerns for both himself and his wife, Barbara. His absence will mark a break in the tradition that living former presidents attend the swearing-in ceremony.

Austin YackAustin Yack is a William F. Buckley Fellow in Political Journalism at the National Review Institute and a University of California, Santa Barbara alumnus.
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