The Corner

CNN Poll: Majority of Americans Want Congress to Reject the Iran Deal

From the Tuesday Morning Jolt:

CNN Poll: Majority of Americans Want Congress to Reject the Iran Deal

Two encouraging signs from CNN this morning…

First, check out these poll numbers on the Iran deal: “Most say they would like to see Congress reject it. Overall, 52 percent say Congress should reject the deal, 44 percent say it should be approved.”

Second, a mere three days after the Ayatollah’s Tweet depicting President Obama holding a gun to his head, CNN notices! They even ask the administration about it! Sure, there’s a lot of excuse-making

It’s unclear how much involvement Iran’s Supreme Leader has in deciding what’s posted on the account, @khamenei_ir, which describes itself as providing “regular updates and news” about him.

Some of its posts are first-person statements from Khamenei, others refer to the leader in the third person alongside photos of him at events.

“The Supreme Leader says many things that we find completely objectionable,” White House Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes said in response to a reporter’s question about the image Sunday during Obama’s visit to Kenya.

“This is of a pattern of things that give us very serious concern about the Iranian government, whether it’s their support for terrorism, their threats to Israel and the United States, or outrageous statements or images that may emanate from the Iranian government,” he said.

But it’s not difficult to draw a line between those two lead stories on CNN this morning. The American people are far less trusting of the Iranian regime than the Obama administration is – because they see the regime for what it is, and don’t just hand-wave away provocations like that Tweet. Most Americans don’t buy into the increasingly-rote “that’s just for domestic political audiences” excuse. 

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