The Corner

CNN’s Slide

I have to say that I’m enjoying Mickey Kaus’ gloating over CNN’s demise. Ever since CNN “opted not to renew” the contracts of most of its political pundits — including yours truly, Peter Beinart, Joe Klein and others — and ended Capital Gang, Inside Politics, and Crossfire so unceremoniously, its ratings have slid terribly (I was no fan of Crossfire, but I thought the network handled things shabbily). And this is in the face of the new management’s much-touted commitment to “telling stories.” The reasons for the network’s decline probably have little to nothing to do with most of those decisions. The media climate is an unkind place for a network like CNN for a bunch of reasons. But it’s always a tad enjoyable when those who considered you part of the problem make the problem worse with their solutions.

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