The Corner

Coburn and Bunning

Sens. Tom Coburn (R., Okla.) and Jim Bunning (R. Ky.) have released statements on the expiration of unemployment benefits in the wake of their demand that such benefits be funded without adding to the deficit:


“Before the Senate adjourned for the Easter Recess, Senate Republicans and Senate Democrats had agreed to pass a one-week extension of unemployment benefits that was fully paid for.  Unfortunately, the House Democrat leadership said no, and then Congress left town knowing the benefits would expire. Earlier, Senate Democrats voted to kill a one-month extension that was fully offset and did not add to the deficit.

“We could have stayed in Washington to resolve the issue and see that these benefits are extended and paid for, but it seems the Democrats thought it was more important to catch their planes. I am disappointed that the Democrats continue to play political games to avoid paying for these benefits that are so important to the many struggling families across our nation who rely on them to make ends meet while they search for work. Clearly, the Democrats don’t want to help the unemployed unless they can increase the deficit while they’re doing it.”


“I’m disappointed Congress chose to go on vacation instead of extending unemployment benefits for some Americans.  Congress had several opportunities to extend these benefits in a fiscally-responsible manner before our Easter break but rejected all of them.  It’s time for Congress to do what’s right for both the unemployed and future generations and do the hard work of paying for important priorities,” Dr. Coburn said.

h/t Senatus.

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