The Corner

Coburn Hints GOP Will Cave on Debt-Limit Negotiations

GOP senator Tom Coburn hinted on Sunday that Republicans will give in to Democratic demands in the upcoming negotiations on the debt ceiling because the two parties have come to see eye-to-eye on the issue. “The reason we’re in trouble on deficits and debt is not because we didn’t agree but because we did. We agreed to spend $740 billion we didn’t have last year,” he said. “The story coming out of Washington is we don’t get along. We get along just fine with the status quo of the government being ineffective and inefficient.”

The October agreement to end the government shutdown raised the debt ceiling until February 7. The White House has said that it will not negotiate over the debt limit, and Treasury Secretary Jack Lew is calling on lawmakers to raise it in advance of the February deadline.

Coburn also suggested that the issue has become a losing one politically for Republicans. ”The American people don’t believe we have a debt ceiling because we always increase it,” he said.

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