The Corner


Six Ideas for Depoliticizing the College Campus

University of Oregon campus (Wikimedia)

The desire of “progressives” to take over the commanding heights of society so they can control people has been very successful and especially so with regard to our educational institutions. Collectivist ideas suffuse the K–12 curriculum, and our colleges are full of people who want to create as many Social Justice Warrior types as they can. Is it possible to reverse that?

In today’s Martin Center article, Jay Schalin has collected six short essays by writers who want to depoliticize higher education.

Tom Lindsay of Texas Public Policy Foundation argues that we should denationalize college. David Randall of the National Association of Scholars thinks that greater accountability for results will lead to a turning down of politics. Jennifer Kabbany of the College Fix maintains that proactive parenting would make students less susceptible to leftist groupthink on campus. Schalin himself wants to empower alumni to become counterweights against leftist control. Debra Mashek of Heterodox Academy wants to see colleges cultivate more opportunity for constructive disagreement. Lastly, Karen Hyman of the American Council of Trustees and Alumni writes that when colleges are pressured to focus on educational excellence, the degree of politicization will necessarily decrease.

They’re all worthy ideas. Read the whole thing.

George Leef is the the director of editorial content at the James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal. He is the author of The Awakening of Jennifer Van Arsdale: A Political Fable for Our Time.
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