The Corner

Colorado Government Site Still Pushing Obamacare ‘Lie of the Year’

The state of Colorado’s official website is still echoing the president’s infamous “If you like your plan, you can keep it” line. The Democratic selling point came under fire last year when millions of health-insurance customers saw their existing plans canceled in order to comply with new Obamacare regulations.

Under the FAQ page on its section on health-care, the website claims residents who like their current health-care plan will not lose it under the law.

This is surely news to the quarter of a million Coloradans who saw their plans canceled due to the law — that number was recoreded by the state’s own Division of Insurance. The president’s 2009 claim gained such notoriety during last year’s launch of the exchanges that PolitiFact rated the comment its “Lie of The Year.”

Like many of the exchanges exchanges across the country, Connect for Health Colorado experienced its share of problems, requiring what local media referred to as an “Obamacare tax” to help fund the exchange. The tax is a monthly fee applied to all health-insurance polices purchased in the state, including those offered by private employers.

The Colorado Republican party has called on Governor John Hickenlooper to remove the line and “apologize to Coloradans for his misinformation campaign.”

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