The Corner

Economy & Business

Colorado Governor Betrays Cattle Ranchers with ‘MeatOut Day’ Declaration

Beef cattle feed on a farm in Morris, Minn. (Diane Bartz/Reuters)

Colorado is a cattle state. The industry brings in billions of dollars a year to Colorado’s economy and is responsible for about 170,000 jobs.

But so what? Left-wing governor Jared Polis puts his ideology in front of the welfare of his constituents by declaring March 20 “MeatOut Day” in Colorado, urging state residents to go vegetarian. From the Newslinez story:

This year, Colorado Governor Jared Polis is declaring March 20 “MeatOut Day” as a way to promote meatless diets to his constituents. Started in 1985 by animal-rights group Farm Animal Rights Movement (FARM), the MeatOut initiative was created to educate consumers about the benefits of a healthful, plant-based diet. Polis signed a proclamation in support of MeatOut, joining governors and mayors in 40 additional states and cities who have signed similar proclamations in recent years.

The Colorado Cattlemen’s Association responded with a call for making March 20, “Meat In Day:”

Colorado Cattlemen’s Association is promoting “Meat In Day” on March 20, 2021. On this day, CCA encourages Colorado to meet in a restaurant and order your favorite meat dish, meet your family and friends for a meal featuring meat!

The goal of this day is to not only promote the benefits of meat consumption to Colorado, but to also patronize our local businesses, restaurants, etc. that have been deeply affected by the economic struggles of the pandemic. CCA is working with multiple groups to promote meat products through discounts, specials, and more! As we approach this day, we will be posting a full listing of businesses and restaurants to show your support to on this day.

Take to social media with hashtags #BetterWithBeef and #MeatIn to promote your business and to showcase how you will be celebrating “Meat In” day!

I don’t care what people eat. But I do think that a governor who materially attempts to undermine one of his state’s most important industries is not serving constituents well.

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