The Corner

Colorado, Minnesota Medicaid Enrollments Dwarf Private-Plan Enrollments

Like so many other states, Colorado and Minnesota are seeing vastly more enrollments in Medicaid than in private insurance plans since the Obamacare exchanges went live on October 1.

In a press release yesterday, Connect for Health Colorado, the Centennial State’s exchange, said it had 3,408 enrollments in private health insurance through October. MNSure, Minnesota’s state-run exchange, claims 1,774 people through November 2 have selected a private plan and payment option.

However, both states reported much higher Medicaid enrollment numbers.

Colorado says it has had 34,168 Medicaid enrollments, a figure the state reached by combining the 24,935 who have applied for expanded Medicaid and the 9,233 who were on a wait-list for a program that provided coverage to extremely low-income Coloradans without children.

Minnesota reports that a total of 9,166 people have signed up for its two publicly funded health-care programs, Medical Assistance—the state’s Medicaid program—and MinnesotaCare.

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