The Corner

Politics & Policy

Comey’s Latest Swerve —You Knew This Was Coming, Right?

You did if you’ve been reading National Review.

On November 1, I had a column on the homepage arguing that the Clinton e-mails are just as essential to the Clinton Foundation corruption investigation as they are to the mishandling classified information investigation. More importantly, they are easier to understand in the context of pay-to-play corruption —​ Hillary Clinton’s use of the Clinton Foundation “charity” to cash in on her political influence as secretary of state. The motive for implementing the homebrew server system was to hide the corruption from the public, Congress, and the courts.

If you read the column, you knew FBI director James Comey’s latest swerve, announced yesterday, less than 48 hours before the polls open on Election Day, was coming:

Because of Democratic and media furor over Director Comey’s reopening of the Clinton e-mails investigation last week, the FBI is now under enormous pressure to review tens of thousands of e-mails stored on the laptop shared by Huma Abedin and Anthony Weiner. The point is to hound the bureau into announcing before Election Day (seven days from now) whether any new classified e-mails have been found. If none are found, this outcome will be spun as yet another “exoneration” of Hillary Clinton.

Here, however, is the real outrage: Beneath all this noise, Loretta Lynch’s Justice Department is blocking the FBI from examining Clinton e-mails in connection with its investigation of the Clinton Foundation — an investigation that is every bit as serious.

Were it not for the Clinton Foundation, there probably would not be a Clinton e-mail scandal. Mrs. Clinton’s home-brew communications system was designed to conceal the degree to which the State Department was put in the service of Foundation donors who transformed the “dead broke” Clintons into hundred-millionaires.

At this point, the reopened classified-information investigation is a distraction: Under the Comey/DOJ “insufficient intent evidence” rationale, there would be no charges even if previously undiscovered classified e-mails were found on the Abedin/Weiner computer. Instead, what is actually essential is that the FBI’s Clinton Foundation investigators get access to all the thousands of Clinton e-mails, including those recovered from the Mills and Samuelson laptops. The agents must also have the time they need to piece together all the Clinton e-mails (from whatever source), follow up leads, and make their case.

No one seems to notice that they are being thwarted. Hillary hasn’t even been elected, but already we are benumbed by Clinton Scandal Exhaustion Syndrome.

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