The Corner

Comics For Kids Live On

From a reader of the Corner, in reply to my cri de comiques:

I’ve been reading comics for 30 years now, and let me first say that I

share your dismay over what’s become of many of them. The current leadership at Marvel Comics in particular has made the creation of controversy for it’s own sake one of their guiding principles.

Still, let’s count our blessings. At least Spidey is married to the woman he was in bed with.

Now, with regard to what’s suitable for an 8 year old these days, I’d recommend the following:

Ultimate Spider-Man: This is a modern “re-boot” of Spidey, starting over from the beginning with his origin taking place in the year 2000. Peter Parker is still a teenager, and so far they’ve stayed away from sex (just some teenage kissing, which Aunt May always breaks up) and kept the violence to acceptable comic book levels.

Sojourn: If the kid in question enjoys “Lord of the Rings” it’s a safe bet he’ll enjoy this. Though the main character is a well proportioned blonde woman, she’s remained fully clothed throughout the series so far and has a platonic (if slightly flirty) relationship with her male companion. You

May want to check this one against your standards for violence first though.

Ruse: about a detective in the mold of Sherlock Holmes. It’s victorian so, again, there’s no sex or nudity to speak of. Violence is light as well. The stories may go over an 8 year olds head though.

Batman Adventures / Justice League Adventures: these titles are both based on the animated series their named after, and have comparable content.

Finally, keep in mind that most of the books you grew up with are available in reprint compilations known as “Essentials” (Essential Spider-Man, Essential Hulk, etc). They price around $15 and usually contain over 20 unabridged issues worth of continuity. They’re an excellent value.

Peter Robinson — Peter M. Robinson is a research fellow at the Hoover Institution.
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