The Corner

The Company One Keeps

This will hopefully be my last Bart Stupak post for the week. The American Principles Project points out who he was doing his “ironclad” negotiating with:

When Bart Stupak announced his support for the Senate Health Care Reform Bill, one reporter asked him if the deal between Barack Obama and the pro-life Democrats was made face-to-face with the President himself. Mr. Stupak said that he had made the deal working with White House Counsel Robert Bauer.

Who is this Robert Bauer – the man capable of selling Bart Stupak a bill of goods on the Executive Order?

Prior to his involvement with Mr. Obama, from 2005-2007 Mr. Bauer was a registered lobbyist for America Votes.  In this capacity, he sought to enact laws that would help the fund-raising prospects of left-leaning 527s.  After he finished the campaign of Mr. Obama, he served as the Counsel for the pro-choice election powerhouse EMILY’s List.

America Votes (AV) is a coalition of liberal groups that has, according to their website “more than 20,000,000 Americans in every state in the country.” AV is controlled by an Executive Board that consists of 9 members: 5 unions (AFL-CIO, AFSCME, NEA, SEIU, and UFCW), 2 global warming advocacy groups (The Sierra Club and the League of Conservation Voters), 1 general liberal advocacy network (Progressive Future), and, most importantly, the most influential pro-choice lobby – The Planned Parenthood Action Fund.

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