The Corner

This Is Completely Unrelated to My Previous Post

I just saw Drudge on Allen vs. Webb novels. And here I thought –hoped — Rich was kidding.

How long can it take for Webb to turn it around, into an attack on “the Mark Foley Republican Congress”? Lame, but tell me an Allen line of attack on fiction isn’t.

UPDATE: A friend with about the best political instincts there are just said to me: ”Fiction yes, but this is truly sick stuff – what kind of mind comes up with this stuff? It does make me ask “

So maybe it works. And maybe strategically — pure campaign poltiics here — the Allen end-line strategy is much more well-advised than the Santorum strategy. Even if one is crass and silly and the other is principled leadership.

But I do hope both strategies work for the respective candidates all the same.

UPDATE II: To hell with me. An e-mail:

That sort of disgusting garbage is absolutely worthy of the most severe denunciation at every level. It is absolutely appropriate to denounce in a campaign. Your hypocrisy is appalling. And you call yourselves Christians.

I’m not sure I can stomach continuing to read National Review.

UPDATE III: Before I burn….it’s evidently all part of the feminizing of George Allen. (But yes, it’s … deeply disturbing content.)

FINAL UPDATE: If I hate George Allen (as so many readers say I do), why did I run Stewart Verdery’s real race record piece on him today? Why do I point out when he’s appaearing at a marriage-protection rally if I’m all about being sMITTen? Just wondering why I waste the pixels.

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