The Corner


Congrats to Patrick Morrisey

We endorsed Patrick Morrisey, and I’m delighted he prevailed in a contest that took on unexpected national import. I’m a bit of skeptic about the Blankenship surge. When I checked in on the race about ten days ago, people I trust were confident he’d finish third, and here he has finished third. But there’s no doubt that he got considerable attention with his rancid attacks on McConnell, was thought to have a good debate last week, and was spending a boatload of his own money. Certainly, everyone was acting genuinely worried. Trump’s anybody-but-Blankenship tweet surely helped, and Blankenship took other incoming and didn’t help his cause with a particularly looney last couple of days. Anyway, a worthy candidate won. Morrisey is hard worker and a rock-solid conservative, and he’ll have a good chance at beating Joe Manchin, who has to be nearly as disappointed at Blankenship’s showing as Blankenship is.

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