The Corner

Congratulations to Scott Walker

Scott Walker has taken some hits on immigration, including here at NR. But he did well on Hannity last night when he was asked about his trip to the border. He enunciated a position on immigration that is very sound, and expressed a concern about workers and wages that almost no other prominent Republican (besides Jeff Sessions) ever does. I’m hoping we hear more from him on this, and that other candidates follow suit:

…we need to step up and be aggressive. That means securing the border with infrastructure, with technology, with personnel, and the federal government’s got to lead the way. We can’t expect the border states to do this alone. The federal government needs to step up and act.

And you can’t be talking about anything else until you do that. Once you do that, then we can talk about enforcing the laws by using an effective e-verify system for all employers, one that works for small businesses, farmers, and ranchers, and making sure that any legal immigration, no amnesty, any legal immigration system we go forward which is one that ultimately has to protect American workers and make sure American wages are going up. That’s the way we prosper for every hardworking American in this country. (emphasis added)

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