The Corner

Is the Constitution a Suicide Pact?

Here’s the best follow-up question of the weekend, from Mike Wallace on Fox News Sunday to Sen. Carl Levin, who advocates the appointment of an independent commission to investigate American “war crimes” during the Bush administration:

WALLACE: Senator Levin, let me just present a hypothetical to you. What if the next president decides that President Obama, in the decision he has made to continue these drone attacks over Pakistan, where they fire missiles on Al Qaida operatives and also innocent civilians — what if the next president decides that that is a war crime? Should he go ahead and prosecute the Obama team?

– Richard Nadler is president of the Americas Majority Foundation, a public-policy think tank in Overland Park, Kan. 

Richard Nadler is president of the Americas Majority Foundation, a public-policy think tank in Overland Park, Kan.
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