The Corner

Science & Tech

Continuing the Debate: Is American Science in Decline?

The Martin Center recently published an essay by Edward Archer in which he argued that, largely due to government interference, American scientific research is in decline.

Today, we publish a response from Richard Weinberg.  He argues that Archer has overstated the case; while our funding system leads to some waste, fraud, and abuse, on the whole it has produced good results for us. Weinberg writes:

As a fellow researcher who has witnessed questionable funding decisions and has suffered occasional professional misfortunes arising from others’ errors or misjudgments, I can appreciate [Archer’s] outrage, but I believe that his essay is dangerously misleading in suggesting that increased governmental support for science has caused net damage to scientific research in the U.S.

We also publish a brief rejoinder from Archer, who contends that Weinberg has missed his point.

Anyone with a background in scientific research is invited to weigh in.

George Leef is the the director of editorial content at the James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal. He is the author of The Awakening of Jennifer Van Arsdale: A Political Fable for Our Time.
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