The Corner


Contrary to Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton, Abortion Is the Abomination

The leaked Supreme Court draft overturning Roe v. Wade is an “abomination,” says “ardent, practicing Catholic” Nancy Pelosi. “An utter disgrace” Hillary Clinton tweeted.

Our former First Lady, senator, and Secretary of State wrote: “This decision is a direct assault on the dignity, rights, & lives of women, not to mention decades of settled law. It will kill and subjugate women even as a vast majority of Americans think abortion should be legal.”

Is there zero self-awareness?

First of all, the vast majority of Americans oppose unlimited abortion. The Democratic Party of today now routinely supports infanticide.

Kill and subjugate women? The Roe v. Wade regime has killed at least 62 million babies. Think about that for a moment. The empty schools. That’s evil. And its hurt so many women, so many men, so many families.

Can we stop and think for a moment about all these women — some with multiple abortions? Vicki Thorn, who just died, founded Project Rachel, a post-abortion healing ministry. She talked all the time about the biological changes that happen to a woman during a pregnancy that didn’t happen once an abortion is performed.

There’s also the trauma of an abortion that happens in a clinic and the barbarity of chemical abortions — pills to do away with the problem that happens to be a human life developing inside a woman.

We are a harsh, cruel country under abortion. And there’s something especially dark about women — and mothers! — lying about what women want and need. The most intimate violence of abortion — a mother against her own baby — is not the stuff of a civilized people. We have violence in our streets, we hate one another, men use and abuse women, and children get harmed because we don’t respect the most innocent.

We also don’t revere motherhood.

I’m reminded today, about a letter to women Pope Benedict once handed me:

At this moment when the human race is under-going so deep a transformation, women impregnated with the spirit of the Gospel can do so much to aid mankind in not falling.

. . .

Women of the entire universe, whether Christian or non-believing, you to whom life is entrusted at this grave moment in history, it is for you to save the peace of the world.

We have work to do. It starts anew when Roe is history. And women adding to the violence and the lies aren’t helping. We have an added responsibility — to be nurturers in our communities and culture and even in politics.

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