The Corner


I was just skimming Newsweek’s big piece on talk radio and the right. A few stray reactions, in no particular order:

1) The only people I see going into anything near “convulsions” are those hoping talk-radio is dead.

2) Can we please stop mentioning Rush Limbaugh and Michael Savage as if they are anywhere near on par?

3) Memo for Dr. Land: “Great One” is Mark Levin, not El Rushbo (who you can feel free to refer to as El Rushbo.

4) Does the Limbaughian view matter, really?” Ask John McCain. He seemed to be saying so in his speech Thursday.

5) John McCain: “”I don’t even listen to Rush.” Yes, we can tell.

6) FOR REAL? “Privately, his aides worried about a full-scale walkout from the giant ballroom—or, even worse, people throwing things at the stage. ‘Tomatoes we are good with,’ said one McCain adviser, who didn’t want to be named making light of a tense situation. ‘Rocks … not so much. Hopefully, they’ll pat those folks down.’There were no projectiles, but plenty of hoots, especially when McCain admitted he’d “made mistakes.” Look, some things go down at CPAC I’m not keen on, but … rocks?

7) Continuing on from #2: ” Limbaugh, Coulter, Savage” … ALL SAID DIFFERENT THINGS. Speaking of who said what to whom: Bill Bennett was specifically talking about Jim Dobson when he used the “Trotskyite,” and generally was reacting to those who are saying they will vote for Hillary before McCain (i.e. not Limbaugh.)

8) This is hysterical: there has been tentative outreach to Limbaugh. Sounds like the United Nations of right-wing negotiation. With Jack Kemp as the secretary-general?

9) Mark Levin’s name isn’t even mentioned. I can’t help but think they’d understand this all a bit more if they read Levin.

10. ) Is it any wonder Rush declined Newsweek’s interview request?

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