The Corner

White House

Cooke: Face It, Joe Biden’s Problem Is Joe Biden 

President Joe Biden speaks during an event at the White House in Washington, D.C., September 22, 2023.
President Joe Biden speaks during an event at the White House in Washington, D.C., September 22, 2023. (Jonathan Ernst/Reuters)

On today’s edition of The Editors, Charlie talks about the recent shock poll from WaPo, saying, “Maybe this is an outlier in the sense that Donald Trump’s not beating Joe Biden by ten points, but in no universe would you nominate someone with those numbers . . . if that person were not already president of the United States.”

He goes on to say:

And I think the press has only just realized that this is how people feel. What it has not worked out yet, as I wrote yesterday, is that people feel like that accurately, fairly, credibly. This isn’t some conspiracy. This isn’t some problem of Joe Biden being filtered through the media. This is Joe Biden.

He is too old. He is statistically likely to die in a second term. His vice president, Kamala Harris, is one of the worst politicians in American history. He has presided over a poor economy and made it worse with bad decisions. He is dishonest. He is almost certainly corrupt. He has offered up unconstitutional executive order after unconstitutional executive order. He is a partisan demagogue, and he does lie about everything. Of course Americans feel this way about him. This is not an outlier in that sense. The findings of this poll are absolutely in keeping with every other poll. What do you think of Joe Biden? There’s your answer.

The Editors podcast is recorded on Tuesdays and Fridays every week and is available wherever you listen to podcasts.

Listen to the whole episode.

Sarah Schutte is the podcast manager for National Review and an associate editor for National Review magazine. Originally from Dayton, Ohio, she is a children's literature aficionado and Mendelssohn 4 enthusiast.
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