The Corner

Cool Stuff

A loyal reader, Jeremy Yoder, designed this. Me likey. In fact, it gives me an idea. For the foreseeable future — or until I discover that for reasons I can’t see right now — I will post a link to all tasteful, cool and favorable to NRO-related logos, animations, videos etc. The reward is the link and the subsequent thousands of visitors plus our admiration, our discussion in the Corner and maybe just maybe some sort of symbolic prize. Maybe we will even end up using the best entry ourselves and the quasi legal status of this whole proposition will result in lawsuits all over the place.

Sound like fun?

So: all of you web folks out there who want to get noticed or who are just bored, let’s see what you can do. Put “cool stuff” in the header and send it to me or K-Lo (man, I hope Kathryn likes this idea).

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