The Corner

The Corner Menagerie

Since I’m hanging out on the Corner on a Friday afternoon . . . it is time to introduce the newest member of The Corner zoo, Snickers. Back in August, I received a lot of very comforting messages from Corner readers at the news that my golden retreiver Molly has gone to the great dog bed in the sky. So I would be remiss if I didn’t share her successor. The Coffin home was horribly quiet in Molly’s absence — even with two two-footed children running around — so I waited all of 36 hours to find a new puppy (the name was given by the breeder, but it stuck). He’s tripled in size in a month and a half and burrowed himself into the hearts of the family, especially his dad. He also has incessantly gnawed everything in sight, especially his dad (mom has gotten a free pass for some reason — she must not taste like chicken). Even K-Lo, with her preternatural fear of dogs, seems not to mind him. 

Snickers looks forward to meeting Cosmo, which we all know is unlikely to happen because Cosmo has “issues” with his species.

Shannen W. Coffin, a contributing editor to National Review, practices appellate law in Washington, D.C.
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