The Corner


Critical Race Theory Spreading Fast in Schools and Colleges

It’s clear by now how the Left uses educational institutions to propagandize as many students as possible. Equipping students with some basic knowledge and skills is a low priority compared with ensuring that they absorb the notions that will turn them against American traditions and into social-justice warriors.

In his latest Liberty Unyielding article, Hans Bader surveys the dreadful landscape. He begins with some bad news about colleges:

On April 5, professors at Bates College in Maine voted to mandate that students complete a new set of classes on ‘Race, Power, Privilege, and Colonialism.’ Students who do not take the class will not [be] allowed to graduate. Similarly, Northern Arizona University now requires students to take four diversity courses to graduate, all rooted in left-wing ‘critical theory.’

These courses won’t involve any scrutiny of leftist beliefs, of course, and the professors who teach them will likely be activists who are eager to spread the gospel. Woe betide students who disagree.

Our high schools, meanwhile, continue to fall under the CRT spell. In Minneapolis and St. Paul, students will now have to take an “ethnic studies” course. What will they learn?

Bader writes:

“These courses use critical race theory texts such as How to be an Antiracist, and other texts that ‘support CRT’s key concepts, including race essentialism, systemic racism, active racial discrimination and anti-capitalism.’ Critical race theory is a radical ideology that is hostile to the free market economy, equating it with racism: ‘To love capitalism is to end up loving racism. To love racism is to end up loving capitalism. . . . ‘Capitalism is essentially racist; racism is essentially capitalist,’ says the best-selling book promoting critical race theory, ‘How to Be An Antiracist.’”

The objective is to make sure that students leave high school having learned — if nothing else — to feel contempt for America and to readily support “progressives” who intend to transform the country into a collectivist dystopia.

Hordes of ignorant, angry young people — just what the Left needs.

George Leef is the the director of editorial content at the James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal. He is the author of The Awakening of Jennifer Van Arsdale: A Political Fable for Our Time.
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