The Corner

Cruz Explains How to Repeal Obamacare While Obama Is in Office

At the annual Conservative Political Action Conference this past week, Senator Ted Cruz earned uproarious applause when he said, “We will repeal every single word of Obamacare.”

When ABC’s Jon Karl sat down with Cruz, he asked Cruz if there was any way to fulfill that promise while President Obama is still in office. “I’ll give you one scenario,” Cruz said. “If there’s something that unifies politicians of both parties, is their top priority is preserving their own hide.”

He explained that if Democrats face a choice between getting voted out of office by angry constituents for failing to repeal Obamacare or having “a chance to stay in office” by voting to repeal Obamacare, Congress might be able to get rid of the unpopular law. “That’s the one scenario we can do it in 2015. If not, we’ll do it in 2017.”

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