The Corner

Cruz Hopes Castro Brothers Will Soon Join Hugo Chávez to ‘Face the Ultimate Judgment’

Speaking at a U.S.-Cuba Democracy PAC event in Miami over the weekend, Senator Ted Cruz (R., Texas) said he hopes that Cuba will soon be liberated with American support, but that he is also looking forward to a post mortem meeting between the Castro brothers and another recently deceased Latin American leftist.

“Hopefully, in the not too distant future, Fidel Castro and Raúl Castro will join Hugo Chávez, and all three will face the ultimate judgment,” said Cruz, whose father is a Cuban immigrant. He also criticized the glorification of Castro and Che Guevara as “cute, chic icons of Hollywood.”

The freshman senator later discussed what should be the United States’ role in bringing Cuba out of its decades-long Communist regime. Cruz said he hopes the president will “stand up” to the Castros in Cuba more than he had with Chávez in Venezuela, but said he didn’t “know if we were going to get it” from this administration.

Via The Shark Tank.

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