The Corner

Cruz Invites Reid Down to the Border: Get Out of the Ritz-Carlton and See for Yourself

Senator Ted Cruz (R., Texas) offered to help Harry Reid better understand the crisis on the border and invited the Senate majority leader to leave his posh residence to see it for himself. Appearing on Fox News Sunday, Cruz lamented that Reid, who accused Republicans of holding unaccompanied immigrant children for “ransom” earlier this week, oftentimes “engage[s] in debates divorced from the facts and divorced from the reality.”

“Harry Reid lives in the Ritz-Carlton in Washington, D.C. and I’m sure from his perspective the border seems secure,” Cruz said. “I would invite Harry Reid to come down with me to Texas and see the border.”

Cruz also pushed back against Reid’s claim that the Senate’s comprehensive immigration-reform bill would have prevent the current crisis. He cited a recent report from Border Control that found 95 percent of the children are coming to the United States because they believe they will receive amnesty.

“I’ll tell you who is holding these kids ransom: It’s Harry Reid and the president, because their view is don’t do anything to fix the problem,” Cruz said.

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