The Corner

Cruz Spokesman: Protesters Outside My Office Could Just Ask for a Meeting

Illegal immigration activists who plan to protest outside of the office of Senator Ted Cruz (R., Texas) could get inside the office if they would only ask, a Cruz aide says.

“Of course, it’s this group’s First Amendment right to say what they want to say and we are happy to talk, if they are willing, but we have not received such a request,” Cruz spokeswoman Catherine Frazier told National Review Online when asked about United We Dream’s plan to protest at the senator’s Houston office on Thursday.

Maria Fernanda Cabello, an organizer at youth-immigrant advocacy group United We Dream, said that they plan “to remind the senator of his immigrant roots, [because] it’s shameful that he continues bullying families like his” — a reference to his proposal to halt President Obama’s deferred-action program for certain immigrants who arrived in the U.S. early at a young age.

“If they ask for a meeting, we will talk to them; they have not requested a meeting,” Frazier reiterated. 

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