The Corner

Dallas to Mexico: Pay Up!

Rod posted a link to this story at his blog — a Dallas public hospital is sending bills to foreign countries for uncompensated care for indigent immigrants. It’s a useful and entertaining bit of political theater, but these kind of efforts shouldn’t obscure the larger point — that you can’t admit large numbers of unskilled immigrants, legal or illegal, into your country without creating large taxpayer costs and lots of additional clients for the welfare state. It’s the same with the bilingual ballots issue — the very fact that we’re debating this ridiculous thing is an inevitable consequence of mass immigration. In fact, no important conservative goal can be achieved in modern America without limiting immigration — not curbing the size of the state, not promoting greater national cohesion and patriotic solidarity, not drawing the poor toward the world of work and responsibility, not preserving America’s sovereignty in a globalizing world. Immigration restriction is a necessary, though not sufficient, condition for the reforms we desire, which is why the Left is united in favor of mass immigration.

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