The Corner

Damn You BushRove

From HuffingtonPost comments

4. LittleBrother

Oh, no!

First there was that guy who was going to take down the Brooklyn Bridge with an acetylene torch, and now this!

That settles it! No more loose talk of restoring habeas corpus! The last thing we need to do at this juncture is tie the hands of our superhero War Criminal-in-Chief and his Attorney Genicle– so named because he’s the Commander’s left ball! June 02, 2007 at 01:10pm PM EDT | Flag as abusive

5. waitaminute

My opinion on this so-called terror plan is bull crap. Why? because this administration has been caught in many lies. Who the heck would beleive them, if it was a fact.

Their lies endanger our lives. June 02, 2007 at 01:12pm PM EDT | Flag as abusive

6. JPV

I am FAR more afraid of being falsely imprisoned by Homeland Security than I am of being attacked by terrorists. June 02, 2007 at 01:12pm PM EDT | Flag as abusive

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