The Corner

Daschle Is Nervous

I’ve long been skeptical that Thune would win in S.D. because Daschle’s the devil they know vs. newbie, he is such a blatant liar I think they are too used to it (re, say abortion), and this: we all knew he would pull out all the stop at the end, which is what the word seems to be today. I hear Baucus staffers left in DC are flying out and the Media Fund is at work for him this weekend.

The Rapid City Journal says today that “Daschle puts his own party ahead of what’s best for South Dakota and the nation,” endorsing Thune, though. And thanks to local and national conservative groups (Ave Maria List, Heartland) that are pressing Daschle out there, the race is tight and man the Dems are nervous. So there is certainly a shot. Know any S.D. undecideds in that race? I’d work on them.

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