The Corner

Davis Campaigns with Planned Parenthood President, Poses with Shotgun

Despite shying away from the mention of “abortion” on her campaign site, Wendy Davis welcomed the head of the leading voice of abortion rights at a recent fundraiser.

Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards, the daughter of former Democratic Texas governor Ann, spoke at an Austin fundraiser on Tuesday, where she praised Davis. Richards predicted Davis would prevail over her Republican opponent. “[Republicans are] not going to win,” she said, according to the Dallas Morning News; the newspaper reported that Davis’s appearance with Richards “did her no favors” in trying to appeal to Texans.

While embracing Richards only emphasized her stance on abortion, one at odds with that of most Texan voters, Davis tried to pick up points by taking a photo holding Ann Richards’s gun. But some observers were quick to point out Davis’s awkward handling of the engraved shotgun:

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