The Corner

DCCC’s Latest Pitch

The  fundraising e-mails from the Democrats have returned with gusto since Weinergate concluded. I thought this one from Steve Israel was particularly brazen (all of the links have been deactivated by the way):

Jonah –

First, House Republicans recklessly voted to end Medicare for seniors but give more tax breaks to billionaires. Now, they’re trying to silence any Democrat who dares to speak the truth about it.

Republican leaders were caught censoring official government communications that talk about the GOP’s radical plan to end Medicare. You can help us fight back right now and make your voice heard.

June 30th marks the Federal Election Commission (FEC) deadline for both parties to report their fundraising. This is the first FEC deadline since the 2012 race started and the media will use it to judge Democrats’ and President Obama’s momentum for 2012.

Help us meet our critical $1 Million goal by June 30th. Contribute $3 or more today and a group of House Democrats will match every dollar with one of their own. We need 55 more contributors from Alexandria to hit our goal.

Trust me, your actions today will have a huge impact for Democrats in 2012.

The Republicans are trying to defeat President Obama and keep Democrats in the minority by out-raising us on this first important FEC deadline of the race – and relying on right-wing billionaires like the Koch Brothers and secret special interest money to do it.

We can absolutely beat them, but only if every grassroots Democrat acts right now.

Contribute $3 or more before June 30th and a group of House Democrats will match your gift dollar-for-dollar, doubling your impact.

The calendar may say 2011, but considering how much media focus is going to be on this first FEC deadline if the campaign, it’s already make-or-break time for 2012.

Let’s not miss this opportunity. Please act today.

Rep. Steve Israel

DCCC Chairman

P.S. This is it — the first FEC fundraising deadline of the 2012 race. The media will use our totals to judge Democrats’ and President Obama’s chances for success next year. Contribute today >>


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