The Corner

De Blasio’s New York: Twelve People Shot in Five Hours over 4th of July Weekend

New York City saw the most concentrated explosion of gun violence of the year over the Fourth of July weekend, with twelve people shot in just over five hours, according to the New York Post.

Saturday night through Sunday morning, shootings were reported in the The Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens and Staten Island. Three people were shot fatally.

This was the third consecutive weekend in which at least a dozen people were shot in the city. 

Additionally, Sunday morning in Crown Heights, a bike was thrown from a fifth-floor balcony at four NYPD officers who were busting a gunman. One cop suffered a concussion, while another suffered a gash to his head. 

“The atmosphere is, ‘We’re going to do what we want,’ that ‘We’re going to get away with it,’ ” police-union president Ed Mullins told the New York Post. “There’s a perception that the mayor is soft on crime. The perps’ perception is that the cops are backing down.”

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