The Corner

Dealing With Saddam

Noah Millman takes on my what-to-do-with-Saddam column on his blog today

Noah argues for the trial as well as

it CAN be argued, I think, though I am not convinced. I will concede this

much, though: The justice I am asking for in the column is a very rough

justice, and could use some formalizing. I’d like to see an article written

into the rules of war (Geneva convention, or whatever) to the effect that an

enemy principal, if arrested and identified, could be summarily killed after

some suitable, BUT VERY BRIEF, and non-public procedure.

That seems to be what the Romanians did with the Ceaucescus, btw. A reader

tells me they were not shot out of hand; there was a hearing of some kind.

Saddam had a sidearm when captured, incidentally, and so was I believe

technically an armed enemy combatant, which would seem to entitle him to POW

status. All the more reason for some exception to be made for principals.

John Derbyshire — Mr. Derbyshire is a former contributing editor of National Review.
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