The Corner


Dean Phillips Hosts the Most Unsuccessful Campaign Event Ever

Democratic presidential candidate Rep. Dean Phillips (D., Minn.) speaks after filing the paperwork to put his name on the ballot for the state’s primary election outside the statehouse in Concord, N.H., October 27, 2023. (Reba Saldanha/Reuters)

A lot of presidential candidates have rough days, but wow, did Dean Phillips, the Minnesota congressman running the longest of longshot bids against President Biden in the Democratic primary, have a rough start to his day.

So far this cycle, we’ve seen Asa Hutchinson addressing just a handful of people and Mike Pence speaking to a bored dozen or so in a store. But to hold an event in the downtown of the most populous city in New Hampshire, about two weeks before the primary and no one shows up? At all? Not even a curious person walking by? Brutal. Just brutal.

When Phillips announced his late entry bid in the Democratic primary, I wondered if some Democrats would cast a ballot for him, as something of a protest vote, simply because they wanted a younger option than Biden. For what it’s worth, the CNN poll puts Phillips at 7 percent in New Hampshire, but… apparently everyone in that 7 percent was busy this morning.

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