The Corner

Politics & Policy

DEI Keeps Mutating and Spreading

DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion), that destructive combination of leftist ideas, is entrenched at most American colleges and universities. As propounded by zealous administrators, the DEI ideology is deeply hostile to our foundational values.

A counterattack has begun against it, but the effort is hardly up to the task. So argues Wenyuan Wu in this piece.

She writes, “To stave off public scrutiny, DEI’s snake-oil salesmen constantly reinvent the grift with new terms and euphemisms. Especially after the Supreme Court struck down Harvard’s race-based undergraduate admissions, zealots have engineered innovative vehicles to perpetuate the ideology.”

Yes, it is a grift. Thousands of useless but well-paid jobs depend on the continuance of the DEI regime. But it’s worse than just that. It’s poisonous disinformation meant to turn students into activists for “social justice.”

DEI advocates keep coming up with new ways to shape students’ mind, including students in medical schools. Wu writes of a “multigenerational diversity and anti-racism” course:

One of the lessons in the . . . course . . . outlines workplace challenges stemming from racial “bias, stereotyping and projection” due to having a mix of baby boomer and Gen Z employees. In the neurodiversity realm, the systemic inequity/racism indictment shows that “[d]ue to biases, Black students are often diagnosed with other disorders such as ADHD or conduct disorders, and even intellectual disabilities when their white peers are diagnosed with autism.”

She is correct in saying that DEI opponents must stay the course. We must do more to eradicate DEI and return education to its proper function.

George Leef is the the director of editorial content at the James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal. He is the author of The Awakening of Jennifer Van Arsdale: A Political Fable for Our Time.
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