The Corner

Woke Culture

DEI Plague Keeps Spreading

Writing on Legal Insurrection, Mike LaChance shows the dangerous spread of the diversity, equity, and inclusion ideology. He observes that while those words sound pleasant, they mask a toxic blend of ideas that are utterly hostile to academic freedom, individual merit, and a liberal (in the true meaning of the word) society.

DEI is the current grand offensive by the statists to gain control of the education system, and thereby control over the way Americans are taught, from kindergarten to medical school.

LaChance writes:

Many of the same ideologues who are pushing DEI are proponents of Critical Race Theory. The two issues go hand in hand, as we have often shown at the Legal Insurrection Critical Race Training website. Much like DEI, CRT was once relegated to progressive college campuses, but has now pushed its way into virutally everything, including the United States Military.

Read the whole frightening thing.

George Leef is the the director of editorial content at the James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal. He is the author of The Awakening of Jennifer Van Arsdale: A Political Fable for Our Time.
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