The Corner

Dem Super PAC Slams Obamacare in Ad

A new ad from a Demcratic super PAC indicates that, despite the claims of Democratic National Commitee chairwoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz and others, at least some Democrats are wary of embracing Obamacare in upcoming midterm elections. 

In the TV spot, the Democratic political action committee House Majority PAC highlights Arizona congresswoman Ann Kirkpatrick’s criticism of the bungled website. Kirkpatrick is a vulnerable Democrat running for reelection in November. 

The ad opens by praising her for blowing the whistle on the “disastrous healthcare website.” In Congress, Kirkpatrick has taken steps to distance herself from the embattled health-care law. In November, for example, she was one of 39 Democrats to support Fred Upton’s bill, which would have allowed individuals renew their health-care plans after the law’s regulations required insurance companies to cancel them. 

The Cook Political Report currently rates Kirkpatrick’s seat as one of 11 Democratic toss-ups.

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