The Corner


Democratic Mayor of Palm Beach County: Yeah, the 60 Minutes Segment Is a Lie

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis speaks during a news conference at the Miami Beach Convention Center, Miami Beach, Fla., April 8, 2020. (Al Diaz/Reuters)

How false is the 60 Minutes story on Ron DeSantis and Publix? False enough that the Democratic mayor of Palm Beach County, Dave Kerner, has released a statement noting that it is not just based on “bad information” but is “intentionally false.” Mayor Kerner says that he offered to talk to 60 Minutes himself, but that CBS declined. He says Palm Beach County asked for the Publix relationship, and that CBS knew that but “left it out because it kneecaps their narrative.” He says that the media is “hellbent on dividing us.”

Kerner is the second Florida Democrat in as many days to push back publicly against CBS’s segment. Read his whole statement here.

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