The Corner

Politics & Policy

Democratic Primary Voters in FL Approve of the Legislature’s Sex Education Bill

Left: Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis speaks during CPAC in Orlando, Fla., February 26, 2021. Right: Walt Disney Company CEO Bob Chapek speaks at the Boston College Chief Executives Club luncheon in Boston, Mass., November 15, 2021. (Joe Skipper, Katherine Taylor/Reuters)

I wrote recently about the Democrats building themselves a “suicide machine”:

For reasons that remain alien to me, almost the entirety of the American press — as well as much of academia and the entertainment industry — has spent the last five years assiduously adopting an exceptionally weird race- and gender-essentialist ideology that pretty much everyone outside of those institutions absolutely loathes. And, in its infinite wisdom, the Democratic Party has followed suit. The result has been the creation of a narrow, extremely peculiar feedback loop, within which the institutional Democratic Party and its friends in the press have concocted — and then adopted — a set of bizarro-world ideas that are met with confusion and horror once they are released into the general population. Bit by bit, piece by piece, tweet by tweet, the wagon to which the Democrats have hitched themselves is becoming a suicide machine.

Well . . .

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