The Corner

Democrats Against the DCCC


Rep. Steve Driehaus isn’t taking the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee’s (DCCC) decision to pull over $500K in ad time sitting down. The freshman congressman, who is facing a tough re-election battle against GOP Rep. Steve Chabot, the man he unseated two years ago, has launched a new video and Act Blue fundraising page to ask supporters to “send a message to the DCCC.”

So far, the new page has attracted eight contributors who have donated $461. Driehaus has raised a total of $417,884 from 2,184 contributors across all of Act Blue.

Driehaus says the DCCC is “walking away” from his race, and hints that it did so not because it views the race as lost but possibly because of a political stance. “I’ve had the guts to stand up for you. When it comes to the tough votes on health care, changing our economy, turning things around, and standing up to Wall Street, I’ve taken those tough votes because it was the right thing to do for the American people. Now the DCCC is walking away,” Driehaus says in the video.

Driehaus has kept a relatively low profile in the House. Here’s a reminder of his most notable vote (he’s the one on the left):

Driehaus faces Republican Steve Chabot in November.

Robert Costa was formerly the Washington editor for National Review.
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