The Corner

Democrats Introduce Bill to Buy Me Some Brand New Guns

Ah, the Democratic party is trying this again:

Gun owners would be paid to sell their firearms to the federal government under new legislation from Democrats.

The Safer Neighborhoods Gun Buyback Act, which was reintroduced this week by Rep. Donald Payne Jr. (D-N.J.), is the latest attempt by Democrats to address gun violence. The bill has 22 co-sponsors.

I was going to write that this sounds like a really spiffing opportunity for me to get rid of my older guns and buy brand new ones. But then I saw this caveat:

As part of Payne’s $360 million gun buyback initiative, the Justice Department would pay gun owners a premium of 25 percent more than the market value of their firearms.

Gun owners could turn over their firearms to state and local governments as well as certain gun dealers.

In return, the gun owners would receive a debit card they could use to purchase anything other than more guns and ammunition.

Ah, you dastardly rasc—wait, actually that doesn’t really stop me doing anything much at all does it? Were I so minded, I’d just use the money on the debit card to pay for the things I have to buy anyway, and then buy all my guns back with the money in my bank account that I hadn’t had to spend.


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