The Corner

Health Care

Medicare for All Is Electoral Suicide

The more I think about the “Medicare for All!” exclamation that is increasingly popular within the Democratic party, the more I think it represents guaranteed electoral suicide. Certainly, a good number of voters will respond favorably when asked in the abstract, “Do you like the idea of covering everyone with Medicare?” But that idea will eventually have to be channeled into a specific bill. And when it is, everything will change. At present, the Democratic party is at its lowest point since 1929. Eventually — maybe even soon — it will recover. If it wishes to use that moment to push for a comprehensive reordering of the economy that will annoy the middle class, the elderly, and the Chamber of Commerce; provoke America’s doctors and hospitals by substantially cutting their income; and push the nation’s insurance companies to quite literally fight for their lives — well, have at it. Obamacare was set up explicitly to avoid all of these things, and it still led to the wiping out of almost all of its authors. Single payer? You ain’t seen nothin’ yet.

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