The Corner

Dems, Iraq, and the U.N.

It’s a good thing the Democrats believe we should obey the Security Council, because Resolution 1511 (which has been renewed every year since 2003)… 

13. Determines that the provision of security and stability is essential to the successful completion of the political process as outlined in paragraph 7 above and to the ability of the United Nations to contribute effectively to that process and the implementation of resolution 1483 (2003), and authorizes a multinational force under unified command to take all necessary measures to contribute to the maintenance of security and stability in Iraq , including for the purpose of ensuring necessary conditions for the implementation of the timetable and programme as well as to contribute to the security of the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq, the Governing Council of Iraq and other institutions of the Iraqi interim administration, and key humanitarian and economic infrastructure;

14. Urges Member States to contribute assistance under this United Nations mandate, including military forces, to the multinational force referred to in paragraph 13 above;

And Resolution 1483

4. Calls upon the [Coalition], consistent with the Charter of the United Nations and other relevant international law, to promote the welfare of the Iraqi people through the effective administration of the territory, including in particular working towards the restoration of conditions of security and stability and the creation of conditions in which the Iraqi people can freely determine their own political future;

Of course, if the Democrats think that this can no longer be accomplished, then naturally we will have to shirk our responsibilities under international law.  But they should be forced to take head-on the many people in Iraq (Americans and Iraqis) who still think we can win and cannot afford not to.

Nancy Pelosi’s talking point that the Iraq situation is not a war to be won but rather a problem to be solved is a way to whitewash the Democrats’ essential position, which is this: (1) we have lost, (2) we can afford to lose, (3) we should ignore our responsibilities under international law,* and (4) we should betray Iraqis who have asked — and been promised — our help in founding a democracy and fighting terrorism. 

*Only Republicans get criticized for doing this; cf. Kosovo. 

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